Category Archives: friday high five

Friday High Five

Angela once more has the Friday High Five up and running, so …

My list of five for today:

Five Things I Know But My Dog Doesn’t Know I Know

  • I know that you are sitting with your head in my lap, grinning as I type, just hoping I will pet you. Begging like that only sometimes works.

  • I know that there is a bit of wind making the bushes move outside. You don’t have to keep trying to tell me. It’s really unladylike to be barking at the breeze, no matter how important it seems to you.

  • I know that it snowed last night. After all, we were out together to shovel it this morning. And no it wasn’t very helpful that you kept throwing nose loads of snow up in the air and back onto the places I just shoveled.

  • I know how L’s valentine bear, sitting calmly on the kitchen counter when we went to bed, appeared on the library floor this morning. You might have been able to plead innocent if you hadn’t suddenly stopped and refused to enter the library until after I picked up said bear. It also would have helped if you hadn’t then run with your tail between your legs to the back door while looking back at me with a guilty grin.

  • I know that the toilet lids are down throughout the house. Although you recently turned 21 in dog years, that does not give you the right to imbibe eau de toilette in this household. Gone are the days of mysterious lapping sounds coming down the hallway to my ears. Gone too are the surprisingly wet muzzled and guilty grins as you tried to nonchalantly appear innocent when you heard me coming down the hall. The water in your water bowl comes from the same place. You don’t need the extra addictive kick of eau de toilette in your life. Get over it.
Doesn’t look very innocent to me. How about you?
A more normal look. “Come on, Come on …”

Friday High Five

Angela invited me to take part in the Friday High Five and so …

My choice of five things to post about is:

Five Things I Am Thinking About
  1. A co-workers father died last night. It was not unexpected, but it is still sad and brings back memories of the sadness when my own father died several years ago. I know he will be tied up with his family and his mother and I can’t do anything to help him, but it just seems like we ought to be able to help our colleagues in need.
  2. Country Bob’s sent me a couple of bottles of All Purpose Sauce and I can hardly wait to try it out. I have sone custom recipes in mind, but first I think I might try meat loaf made with Country Bob’s. I’ll let you know what I try first and if some of my germinating ideas turn out edible. You know how it is with my experimental cooking. (I’m just amazed that Country Bob’s thinks I can cook!)
  3. I’m still in shock about how many comments I got on my variant haiku for the Writer’s Challenge in this post. The most comments ever in the history of this blog! (Although I really think that the phrase “Idiots abound” is what people liked.)
  4. I keep wondering just how windy it is going to be here Sunday afternoon. All week has been really unseasonably warm (65-70 in Colorado in the winter?) and it is all supposed to change Sunday afternoon to a week of highs below 20. So I expect a lot of wind as the front rolls in.
  5. Should I bump my daily walk up from the current 5 miles to 7 miles? I’m sure Molly the wonder dog would like it.

So what are you thinking about?