Category Archives: friday high five

Friday Five For Love

Time once more for:

Five Favorite Quotes About Love

  • As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words. -  William Shakespeare 
  • Where there is love there is life.  – Mohandas Gandhi
  • Who, being loved, is poor? – Oscar Wilde
  • Love is metaphysical gravity. – R. Buckminster Fuller
  • Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. – Albert Einstein

What are your favorite quotes about love?

Five Signs Of Being Confuzzled

Time once more for

Five Signs Of Being Confuzzled

(Confuzzled – the state of being fuzzy and confused due to doing too many things at once.)

  • Getting called by L in the wee hours of the morning because the bears (momma and two cubs) are in the garbage again in the mountains. And my first thought is that it is not like I’m going to be able do anything from more than 3 hours away.
  • Waking up at the (relatively) late hour of 7am and already having three messages waiting on the phone.
  • Planning to mosey over to XXX’s mid-morning to do her therapy and getting nailed by call after call before I can get out the door.
  • Walking over to XXX’s and thinking my right shoe doesn’t feel right; shrugging it off to just not tying the laces tight enough. Without ever looking down at my feet!
  • Returning from XXX’s and taking off my shoes to change out of my walking shoes and back to my around-the-office shoes only to discover this:

Notice that the left foot has my standard lace up walking shoe on while the right foot has my around-the-office strap on shoe on. Is it any wonder that the right foot felt like I hadn’t tied it tight? I must have been so confuzzled by the spate of phone calls as I was attempting to get out the door that I only got one shoe changed. Highly observant of me, I know. At least they weren’t different colors!

Five "Instruments" …

Time once more for

(Hosted by Angela, who gave me this award


the Premios Dardo that I now am figuring out which 15 others to pass it on to.)

Five “Instruments” That Should Have Been Omitted From The Symphony Early This Morning

  • The caterwauling female cat looking desperately for male companionship under my bedroom window.
  • The wildly barking Molly dog trying to open the sliding door to have a few words with the aforementioned cat.
  • The crows who chose to dive bomb and caw at said cat, hoping to drive it out of their territory.
  • The mourning doves that felt they had to get their mournful coos in with all the other noise.
  • The train engineer that just had to sit on his horn to put a real edge on things.

Needless to say, further sleep was impossible after being roused by that cacophony.

Five “Instruments” …

Time once more for

(Hosted by Angela, who gave me this award


the Premios Dardo that I now am figuring out which 15 others to pass it on to.)

Five “Instruments” That Should Have Been Omitted From The Symphony Early This Morning

  • The caterwauling female cat looking desperately for male companionship under my bedroom window.
  • The wildly barking Molly dog trying to open the sliding door to have a few words with the aforementioned cat.
  • The crows who chose to dive bomb and caw at said cat, hoping to drive it out of their territory.
  • The mourning doves that felt they had to get their mournful coos in with all the other noise.
  • The train engineer that just had to sit on his horn to put a real edge on things.

Needless to say, further sleep was impossible after being roused by that cacophony.

Five Things I Won’t …

Time for

Five Things I Won’t Be Doing This Weekend
  • Attending my only nephews wedding in Seattle. Between L and I we have four nieces, but only one nephew. So congratulations and best wishes to Josh and Lynn, his lovely bride to be, on their special day Saturday. May you both have many happy years together.
  • Playing in the Chamber of Commerce golf scramble. I was invited to play on the local newspaper’s team by the publisher, but unfortunately I already had a prior commitment. The first time in history the local press has desired to give me something other than a hard time and I have to refuse. Life is just not fair.
  • Sitting at home sweltering in the heat and humidity.
  • Mowing the forest primeval otherwise known as the lawn. I did it today in the heat and humidity in preparation for my early morning departure. At least I am 10 lbs. lighter now after losing all that sweat.
  • Staying home period. I am off to play corporate spouse for L at the annual district meeting for her company. Thus I will get to attend rousing sessions such as “welcome” and “spouses meeting”, eat too much at formal dinners, and otherwise fend for myself in the gloriously cool environs of Vail. I suspect that I fail the eye-candy test for a good corporate wife, but L is stuck with me. (Although I did suggest finding a good TV heart throb to sit in for me.) Nothing like the old sport coat and tie to clean up an old reprobate like me.