Category Archives: friday high five

Five Upcoming Events

It’s time once more for

Five Upcoming Events
  • Grand Opening of the Xeriscape Gardens Project
  • Five Year Anniversary Open House of The Legacy (assisted living center)
  • District 1 Colorado Municipal League Meeting – My last meeting as President
  • Jury Duty for Me – Next Tuesday no less

and finally, and perhaps the most important

  • My One Year Blogoversary. I started blogging on September 25th, 2008. Now 311 posts later I am still at it. Too bad for you! {*grin*}

For extra credit, what do the first three events have in common? The answer is in the first comment.

Garage Sale Ho!

It’s Friday and I’m in the throes of preparing for our once every seven years garage sale. Thus it’s time for

Five Hazards Of  Garage Sales
  • Seeing just how much junk you have accumulated. Neotoma cinerea has nothing on me.
  • Realizing that many of the items you treasure for their emotional importance to you are quite literally priceless – as in no one would pay a wooden nickel for them.
  • Finding that particular doodad you stored away so carefully so that you wouldn’t have to buy a new one when the one in use died. Of course you have already replaced said doodad several times, buying a new one each time because you couldn’t find the one you so carefully stored away.
  • Feeling gritty and dirty because of all the dust you keep digging through in the stacks of junk that hasn’t seen the light of day for years. After all, who moves and dusts their junk stacks unless it is time for a garage sale?
  • Dreading the coming of the Saturday morning early-lookie-loos. You know, the people who believe that if you said you were opening at 8am, they should be able to stop in and cherry pick at 7am. The same people who will ring your doorbell continuously until you stumble to the door at 6:45am just to inquire if you won’t let them have a quick look before they start lobbying for the 7am cherry feeding frenzy. Those people.

Five Odd Words …

It’s Friday and thus time for

Five Odd Words In Common Usage
  • Doodad
  • Thingamajig
  • Doohickey
  • Whatchamacallit
  • Widget

Just so you understand how odd these words are, let’s look at some of the definitions of doodad:

  1. An un-nameable gadget of some sort, possibly highly technical.
  2. Another meaning for father or dad.
  3. A father of Indian descent.
  4. For when you use thingamajig too much: used to refer to an object you can’t remember name for.
  5. “Doodad” can be used as a noun, a verb, or an adjective. Adjective: You add “-ish” to the end of this word to state an opinion if you’re not sure if you like this or not and don’t want to insult someone. Noun: You can use it for it’s common, bland meaning as a nameless object, but you can also call someone a doodad to describe them as call or as uncool. Verb: You can use doodad as a verb to describe that you are doing something nameless and/or that you don’t want to explain.

So I could emit any of the following three sentences and make perfect sense:

Adjective: “Eh, I suppose it’s doodaddish.”

Noun: “Oh my God, he was being SUCH a doodad!”

Verb: “Nothing much, just doodadding.”

Your task, should you accept it, is to think of other odd words that have grown into similar catchall status.

Five Odd Facts Vaguely …

It’s Friday and thus time for

Five Odd Facts Vaguely Related To Computers

  • 94% of all existing blogs have not been updated in four months.
  • 2 out of 3 Twitter users access Twitter only while at work.
  • Moderate Internet surfers are 9% more productive in their jobs than non-surfers.
  • World wide usage of electricity is projected to fall 3.5% this year; this is the first time since recordkeeping began in 1945 that the world wide usage has declined.
  • 82% of male British IT workers say they consider their sex partners’ needs before their own; the highest of all industries.

Facts courtesy of Funny Times and Harper’s Index.

Wishing Well,Wishing Well ….

It’s Friday and thus time for

Five Odd Things I Really Wish I Knew How To Do
  • Embrace my enemies – in something other than a fatal bear hug! Revenge may indeed be a dish best eaten cold, but there are times when one just isn’t hungry.
  • Understand the thinking behind some of the decisions in the design of PulseAudio (Linux techie specific – non techies can ignore. {*grin*}).
  • Find gainful employment that doesn’t involve starting another company or being part of another start up.
  • Sleep more than five hours a night. Heck, just sleep for more than five hours at a time any part of the day.
  • Regain the pain free existence of youth, that halcyon time when nothing hurt and everything worked, no matter how hard I tried to abuse it.