Category Archives: friday high five

The Case of the Disappearing Blogger

Do you ever wonder what happens to people you meet via the blogosphere when they disappear? Sometimes they seem to disappear from the face of the earth with no explanation or hint of impending disappearance.

I don’t know about you, but I always start off for the first several weeks assuming that something in real life must have come up and then they will return.  But as the missing time extends to a month, I tend to actually visit the website {*gasp*} to make sure it is not a changed or missing RSS feed. And when it doesn’t turn out to be that, I start to assume that for whatever reason they have decided to stop blogging. In the back of my mind I hope that they have not suffered illness or accident or other misfortune. By the second month, I have usually come to acceptance that I will never know what happened to cause their disappearance, and, in many cases, it is not long thereafter that their web design graphics hosting fades and the site becomes nothing more than ugly placeholders. Rarely is there a return from the prolonged heat death of the site.

But there are exceptions. One recent returnee after undergoing blogging heat death is Angela of Angel Eyes Adventures, the hostess of Friday High Five. It will be interesting to hear (or not) the tale behind her sudden disappearance from the web early last November. In any case,

Welcome Back Angela!

Thankful Five

Time once more for

As I sit here waiting for the Broncos game to start so I can properly nap through it like any other stuffed turkey (or is that stuffed with turkey), I am thankful for many things. So here is my highly edited

Thankful Five
  • Family and friends.
  • L and the time we get to spend together over this holiday.
  • Sharing in a huge feast on a beautiful day. 
  • The fur shedding machine known as Molly, even though all of my black clothes look as tho they are sprouting white hair due to her talents.
  • Those who stop by and read and comment on the blog.
  • Those who write the blogs I read and (occasionally) comment on. Without you, my day-to-day life would be a lot more boring.
  • Those who are filling the upcoming month with parties and gatherings of good will. (And especially if they invite me!) 
  • That I am going shopping tomorrow. Not!

OK, I admit it, I fibbed and listed more than 5. So sue me. {*grin*}

Five Experiences of Today

Time once more for

Five Experiences of Today
  • Getting a phone call from the local businessman who wants to develop a software application. He calls every nine months or so and once I explain the costs of what he desires, he always says he’ll just have his son who “works for Google” do it. I always pleasantly wish him good luck and he hangs up. He doesn’t know that his son and I have discussed the matter several times and are in full agreement on what it will cost to build his dream.
  • Discovering that at least one of the Honey Dew melons I picked back at the start of October when the weather was turning freezing was edible. Note that I said edible, not necessarily the tastiest. Made a good alternative for breakfast.
  • Sitting in a community development / community assessment meeting and realizing it is the same gripes and ideas I have heard every year, just a new group vocalizing and planning. But the real key is that I could just serenely smile, since it won’t be my problem anymore come next Tuesday.
  • Seeing the woman whose husband is deathly ill make the effort to attend the meeting because she feels so passionately about it. Her husband’s illness has aged her tremendously, but she is still fighting the battle to ensure a better life and community for all. People like her are what has made the job of mayor so rewarding. (Of course, they are also often the sharpest thorns in the side as well.)
  • Meeting the gentleman with the most gorgeous German Shepard / Wolf mix dog I have ever seen as I walked home for the above meeting. The dog was 15 years old and deaf as a stone, but still had that absolute erect carriage and majesty so emblematic of the breed. The owner communicated entirely by hand signals with the dog due to the deafness.

I’ll leave you with the lonely Honey Dews trying to ripen in the shop:

Five Experiences of Today

Time once more for

Five Experiences of Today
  • Low barometric pressure fore-running the storm and cold rolling in tomorrow.
  • Weather with 58 degree warmth after dark due to the above. (Thus was actually pleasant!)
  • A special joint meeting of the city, county and rural fire district wherein the group calling the meeting had no prepared agenda.
  • Sinus headache.
  • Dryness. With the change in the weather my nose and mouth and eyeballs are dry. You know it is bad when your tongue sticks to your upper palate and your eyeballs hurt.

A cold front is supposed to roll through tomorrow evening possibly bringing snow and wind and … It has already brought falling barometric pressure as witnessed by my goose neck barometer:

Notice the blue fluid almost running out the top of the tube. A sure sign that the barometric pressure is really low and that all my joints are screaming. What fun!

Five Lines Overheard Tonight

Time once more for

Five Lines Overheard Tonight
  • Are you sure she isn’t dead?
  • More brains?
  • The cream puffs and worms are really good!
  • More swamp water?
  • Can you pull that spear of fruit out of his head for me?
As you might have discerned, I was at the rescheduled chamber of commerce Halloween meet and greet that was prevented by last weeks blizzard. The local business hosting the event went to all the work of recreating the entire layout of Halloween food for us tonight. A great time was had my all.