Category Archives: pollen

Spring Has Sprung

It’s that time of year here on the high plains – spring. The time of pollen, warmth, and wind. What more could one ask for?

Pollen levels are already high enough to qualify for health alerts, temperatures are in the 70s and 80s, and winds are predicted to be in the 50 mph range tomorrow. I always love the warnings and forecasts about the pollen this time of year:

Concentration of pollen grains in the air for Tuesday will be greater than today’s levels and extend even further into the extremely high range. This forecast of higher pollen concentration is based on strong winds and decreasing humidity.

Makes me really happy I don’t suffer from hay fever or other pollen allergies.

This post brought to you by the 24 loads of lawn detritus, 8 loads of tree limbs, and the complete coverage of the lawn with weed and feed Saturday followed by the early phases of getting the garden ready on Sunday.