Category Archives: Grrr

Grrr Day

I hate getting suckered. Today I wasted four hours of a perfectly nice (albeit windy and pollen filled) day attending a meeting I would not have attended had the true agenda been published. Grrrr.

Then I had a Boy Scout committee meeting tonight that ran a bit long. The actual business of the meeting should have been completed in less than a half hour. The meeting lasted ninety minutes after all the asides and reminisces. So all in all, close to six hours of my time were wasted today in pointless or needless activities. Grrr.

The wind is howling outside, making noises and rattling the windows. Days (and nights) like this are somewhat akin to the Santa Ana winds in SoCal. Everything feels a bit out of kilter and unsettled and the gusting noises and random bangs and booms from the wind keeps nerves on edge. Grrr.

(Painting: Gust of Wind – Corot)

What are your Grrrs for the day?