This weeks topics:
1.) List of 10 things blogging has taught you.
2.) “Oh please make this a topic for Writer’s Workshop. Pick your favorite song and record your own personal bathroom concert series. I’ll totally do a concert series, I bet I could get my hubby or brother to join in. Now I just need a song… (inspired by Kerri from I’m Just Sayin)
3.) “Sometimes when it’s hard to see with the eyes I’ve been given, I strap on my camera and pray for new ones. I did that yesterday. It helped.†(inspired by Emily from Chatting At The Sky)
4.) “let he who hath no sin cast the first stone…†Is there anything you have judged prematurely, only to find yourself walking in the same shoes later? (inspired by Stephanie from This Blessed Life)
5.) List your top 10 “Spring Trendsâ€. (inspired by Tricia from Desperately Seeking Silence)
#1 – Ten Things Blogging Has Taught Me
- Bloggers come and go; rare is the 3+year blogger.
- Newbies are always welcome.
- A touch of graphical panache helps the words go down.
- There is no predicting what will be popular with readers.
- Taste is a individual thing.
- Subject matter can compensate a lack of writing skill, at least temporarily.
- Interesting blogs (to me) feature lives and interests disjunct from my own.
- Blogging takes a back seat to life and work for most of us from time to time.
- Blogging is addictive in the sense of feeling guilty when you haven’t written for a few days.
- Powerful blogs are emotionally raw and uncensored. The rest of us have to be amusing or erudite to make up for lack of raw.
#2 – Bathroom Concert
Given that I am not even allowed to sing in the shower here by myself, there is no chance of me singing and exposing the world. I want at least some people to remain amidst the living to read this blog. {*grin*}
#3 – Camera Eyes
My approach is a bit different. When I can’t see with the eyes I have, I put on a new pair of eyes in my imagination and look at the world in a new light. I find that is usually very helpful. With a camera, you can only look at what is really there in a different way; with your imagination you can look at what isn’t really there in a way that illuminates what is really there in a different way. One might say that they are two different means to reaching the same end – a different way of seeing reality.
#4 – Getting Stoned
I don’t know if I have ever cast the first stone and then been stoned myself, but I have certainly had moments of utter non-understanding and cluelessness towards others. There is one judgment that lingers powerfully; friends and I have discussed it several times over the years.
When we were young, we often thought of some of our classmates/friends as weird, wild, flighty, or just plain out there. This judgment was often made without much deep thought or attempts at understanding. Now more than 40 years later and with additional information in hand, we realize that many times they had home and life situations that made them the way they were.
Somehow you always assume that everyone has a life like yours, free of abuse and exploitation. Unfortunately, that isn’t always true. I doubt that it would have changed anything, but I rue making those judgments and not being able to spot the underlying problem. Even one understanding friend could have made all the difference in dealing with the problem they faced. It might have kept those who took their own lives amidst the living.
At least there is hope that it *is* getting better.
#5 – Spring Trends
Fashion advice? From me? I don’t think so.