Category Archives: business meeting

I’m Off To …

I’m off to play corporate wife (or spouse as the case may be). It is time for the annual meeting for the group L works with, so I get to go and loiter about the resort during the day while L and crew spend time in meetings, then dress nicely to eat, smooze and booze in the evenings. (It’s good work if you can get it!)

It’ll be back to the old grind by Monday. At least I don’t have to wear a costume like this (nor look quite like this):

Although, come to think of it, some of the people I loiter with during the day do bear a certain resemblance to the picture. Imagine how disappointed they must be to be stuck with me. {*grin*} I just don’t seem to be able to contribute much to the conversation when it comes to shoes and handbags and yoga class and …. Oh well.