Category Archives: odd question of the day

The Heat is On

So much for the summer cold front. It was truly glorious while it lasted, but the reminder of fall and the coming of winter was brief. As I write, the temperature is hovering between 105 and 108 depending on which of my two shade thermometers you believe. Needless to say, tonight’s walk is going to be late in the evening and warm.

Speaking of which, I have upped my daily walking to 6 miles a day from 5. It is just enough extra that Molly gives hints that we should turn towards home every time we pass a possible turn off in that last mile. But when I say “Not yet, we still have further to go.” she takes it in stride. It hasn’t dampened her eagerness when I put on the ear buds and pick up the leash, signaling it is time to head on out.

Which segues naturally into my question of the day: which one or two out of three would you choose? Now that you are bewildered, the question comes from listening to Meatloaf’s “Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad” last night as I walked. In the ballad, the three refers to the infamous triad of “I want you. I need you. I love you.”

Aw heck, just take a quick listen, I’ll wait:

In any case, it led my mind to ponder the question(s):

  • If you only get one of the three in a relationship, which one?
  • If you only get two of the three in a relationship, which two?

I assume we all want all three in our ideal relationship, so the question is moot for the case of three. My own answers for the one and two cases are predictable to those who know me. If I only get one, make it love. If I only get two, make it love and want. But I know people who would answer differently, so what are your answers?

Odd Question

Do you ever come upon something so odd and unusual you wonder “What the heck was that?” Today I ended up on and stumbled across this queston:

What should I say to my boyfriend as I shove my dirty gym sock in his mouth and break up with him?

Right off the bat I’m wondering what is going on. Is the poser the long lost mother of this baby?

I suspect the traditional break up procedure lacks a dirty gym sock to the mouth.

Fortunately, there was additional information given by the question poser:

Need something witty… he has a major sock fetish so I need something humiliating. He is going to be tied to a park bench

if you want to know why so cruel, i found out he has been cheating on me for 2 months with 3 girls

Of course, yahoo answers came up with a winner from someone named Brian:

Let’s see the girl you’ve been cheating on me with treat your fetish as well as I do!

-shoves sock in his mouth-

My question to you is twofold. First, is a sock to the mouth now a standard part of breaking up? Second, can you come up with a better answer to this inane question?

At least it wasn’t this sock:

Philosophical Questions

It is sifting fine powder snow at the moment, but there is little wind so conditions are actually quite fine. Here is Molly standing in the 0 degree weather and asking why I am not joining her in frolicking in back yard.

She is clearly disappointed that I won’t venture out to help her scout for squirrels. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that squirrels seldom frolic on days like today. If I were a faster photographer, I might have been able to capture Molly rolling in the snow and then laying on her back in the snow. With all that long white fur, cold never seems to bother her. (And I love the powder because it leaves rooster tails behind her as she sprints out to the tree hoping to catch a squirrel unawares.)

Newsflash – the weather bug on my desktop finally hit 1 degree – a heatwave.

On a more philosophical note, I have a question that was triggered by an email after yesterday’s re-appearance of the tattered moccasins. It seems some  shopping/retail organizations run web spiders to pick up blog posts that might tie in to their promotional efforts. Something about my worn moccasins tickled the fancy of couple, at least enough to generate an email or two. So the question posed is this: Would you run a giveaway on a non-giveaway blog?

I ask because we all obviously see giveaways on various blogs to increase readership, etc. And of course there are blogs that are primarily giveaway oriented. But for the small, non-commercial blog like this one, I run headlong into my belief that holding a once in a blue moon giveaway is a violation of the implicit contract with you the reader. It would seem that running a giveaway and forcing/offering following as a method of entry would indeed be a short lived gain when there was no more moolah forthcoming. Am I insane in my beliefs?

I already answered the emails in the negative for a giveaway on this site, so you don’t have to worry about changing my mind. I am really more curious about the feelings and thought processes you undergo on the topic. Feel free to flail away in the comments or email. I’ve been called worse things than crazy before, so feel no compunction to hold back.

Time to get back to work. It will be interesting to see if the weather changes enough to impact the Christmas reception hosted by the college tonight. Only time will tell.

Odd Question of the Day

The odd question of the day for this Sunday evening is a simple one: do you ever find yourself wondering who the people are that appear and disappear from your followers list and/or feedburner subscribers? I know I do. It seems that at random times people disappear from the followers panel. In most cases, I have no clue who just dropped out. It seems that blogger ought to have log that the blog owner could consult to see who arrived and who left in a given time span for the follow list and the feed list.

Why you might ask? Well, I am one of those people that believes that if someone follows me, I should follow them if there is any easy way to do so on their blog. So it is really convenient to know who just signed on as a follower and especially which of the myriad of blogs listed in their profile is the one I should follow for maximum return on my reading time. (Admittedly, I can usually get a clue by looking at the last published dates on each of their blogs, but sometimes even that fails.) I can usually muddle through with the current information on this side of the follow issue, so I can’t get too wound up about it.

But, and it is a big but, I have no idea who it was when someone stops following or drops the feed. And that is irksome to me for two reasons: 1) I don’t know who to un-follow. {*grin*} and 2) I don’t know if it was a long time reader who might have important words for me about why they exited (versus a fly-by follower that came on a whim and left the same way). It’s not like this is a mega-blog with 500 followers. This is a small comfy blog that I as the author feel some connection with most of the readers. So when I notice that someone has headed off, I wonder who and why. Especially when in one case I know it was the same person following and then un-following every other day. That kind of pattern often makes me think that someone is doing a classroom experiment for a social studies class. {*grin/2*}

So I will leave you with two questions. Do you notice the follow and feed fluctuations on your blog? Or do you blithely ignore them? Inquiring minds want to know.