Category Archives: anniversary

The Month So Far …

I seem to be unable to get my bloggy groove running smooth of recent days, so here are a couple of the high points from the last couple of weeks. Hopefully just writing it out will re-start the groove thing. {*grin*}

We held our annual garage sale over Labor Day weekend. L and I have decided that this is the last one for a while. As you might remember from last year (described here), we had a big one. Here’s a picture of a small part of the sale from last year:

This year was a bit more restrained because we have finally gotten rid of a lot of the junk that accumulated over the last 20+ years of living here. Now that we are down to normal levels of trashy treasures, it is time to let the stuff breed and grow for a while. Then we can have another big one. At least the MIL was able to sell her freezer for more than she was asking for it.

This year also featured L and I’s anniversary falling on Labor Day. So on the 6th, L and I spent time together around the house and then went to supper with our mothers. What might be called a very high key celebration of 35 years of wedded bliss. {*grin*}  L and I have never been ones to treat the day as a cause for massive celebrations, but this was a very pleasant time because we got to spend it together with only a simple supper social obligation. For a number of years I played in a 3 day Labor Day golf tournament, so our anniversary almost always fell during the tourney. This year I did not and it made the day really laid back. A progression of L and I over the years:


20+ Years Married
Recent Times

I am still amazed how lucky I am to have L in my life, even after all these years.
Well, that is all I have time for right now. Hopefully I will be back to more regular blogging now that the garden, melons, and lawn have slowed down and the temperatures are starting to feel fallish. 


Thirty four years ago, on September 6, 1975, L and I were married. Seems like a long time ago and yet it has passed in the blink of an eye. I still haven’t figured out why a beauty like L married a mug like me, but I am certainly glad she did! The first 34 years have been great!

I Love You L!
Here’s to the next 34 years being just as good.
L & Dan
September 6, 1975

(Yes, I do know that this is going up a few hours early, but I expect to be busy celebrating tomorrow. {*grin*})